Personal Evangelism

We believe sharing our faith is a vital part of our following Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). We believe the Good News of Jesus Christ is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16). Personal evangelism- everyday people sharing the eternal truths of the greatest story - is an intimidating challenge to most Christ-followers. This is not God's intention for His people and He makes sure we have everything we need to do what He asks of us (Acts 1:8). One effective tool God has given to believers for our day and time is The Story

The Story gives us a beautiful, powerful, but simple explanation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Story uses four of the Bible's primary themes (Creation, The Fall, Rescue, and Restoration) to explain the Good News of Jesus Christ for sinners.

Creation: In the beginning God created everything to be perfect.

The Fall: Man rebelled against a loving God & believed Satan's lie.

The Rescue: Jesus, who is God, came to rescue people by His death & resurrection. By faith alone in Jesus, everyone can have their sins forgiven & enjoy eternal life with Him.

Restoration: Everything will be restored to the way that it was supposed to be & those who trust in Jesus will get to enjoy eternity in the new heaven & earth. 

What is man's response? Admit your need to God and ask Him to forgive you and help you turn from sin. Trust in Jesus Christ alone to rescue you and follow Him in faith from this day forward.

Ministries & Mission

At Arbor we believe in putting the Great Commission into practice. We support  local, state, national and foreign missions through prayer, finances and service.


We strive to be involved in the efforts of various local ministries. God desires that we be active participants in our world, sharing the Gospel as we help meet the needs of our neighbors. These are some of the local ministries that people within our faith family support

Anne’s New Life: We participate with an annual Baby Bottle Boomerang to raise financial support and some of our ladies serve as needed.  

Alabama Children’s Homes and Family Ministries: Arbor supports this vital ministry to children with financial support and assisting with projects at the Oxford location. 


We are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and provide prayer and financial support to the International Mission Board through the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. 

Families within our church sponsor children in poverty stricken countries through Compassion International and World Vision.


Additionally, we help provide monthly support through Cru for the Kukec family serving in Croatia.  

Our desire is for missions to be a significant part of our identity. Our goal is for God to show the beauty of His character and His willing power to save sinners everywhere through us.